Tag Archives: beard

No Shave November: An Illustrated Guide to Beards, Mustaches, Stubble, and Scruff

8 Nov

It’s no secret that I love a man with a little (or a lot) of hair his face. Whether it’s a beard, a mustache, stubble, scruff…there’s something undeniably charming about it. Needless to say, I’m very enthusiastic about No Shave November and the magical things that happen during this month. Plus, it gives me a reason to be lazy and not to shave so it’s all good.

To celebrate the month, I’ve decided to collect and categorize all of the lovely hairy faces I’ve drawn in recent history.

So fellas, this one’s for you. You’re all beautiful.


The Scruff/Stubble

For those who are dabbling in the world of facial hair, a light dusting of stubble is a good place to start. It’s not too much of a commitment, but it still makes you look like a bad ass. And as you can see, the ladies love it. With good reason.

These are commissioned portraits I did for two lovely couples that just happen to demonstrate my point quite perfectly.


The Mustache

Some gentleman prefer to sport their mustaches without the commitment of a beard weighing them down. I’m really fond of the mustache-only look. It’s simply dapper. And really, what says “legendary” better than a neatly groomed mustache? The answer is “nothing”.

To support my argument, here’s a commission I did for Maiya, her husband, and his legendary mustache.

And yes, his mustache is that epic in real life. Just take a look at this photo they sent me. If that’s not a beautiful couple, well I don’t know what is! ♥

A mustache can also be a daring statement of your individuality…if you’re willing to dye it deep-sea teal to match your hair, that is. Or maybe you’re just lucky enough to be born with that hair color. Who knows.


The Gentleman’s Beard

If I were I dude, it’s very reasonable to assume that I would have a beard. Because really, if you can grow one, why the hell not? Moreover, it’s also safe to assume that my beard would be wild and unruly.

This is why I appreciate and enjoy the gentleman’s beard so much, because I’d never have the patience to achieve one.

A finely trimmed beard is truly a work of art.


The Mountain Man Beard

The mountain man is just about as wild as his beard. However, he’s also sensitive, likes to hike, and eat granola. Or maybe he doesn’t, and I’m just saying that because I used to work in an organic grocery store.

Whatever he does, he does it with style and wild abandon. He’s as free and untamed as his beard.

(This beard is available as a print on Etsy!)

A mountain man can often be found lazing about in his natural environment:


And really, the list goes on and on. I actually have a ton more beard art, enough to fill a small encyclopedia, but perhaps that’s for another blog post some day down the road.

Until then: boys and men of the world, I salute you and your hairy faces. Happy No Shave November!

The Tiny Hobo Greeting Cards!

5 Nov

Hey everyone! I migrated over here from Blogger (I find WordPress way easier to use), so let’s kick it off with a brand new blog post!

I’ve been really quite busy lately creating artwork that I haven’t even been able to share with you all yet. But now I’ve finally found the time to sit down and gather it all up!

Mostly I’ve been working on greeting card designs that I’ve been selling locally here in Asheville, and I just finally put up for sale in my Etsy shop.

Here’s a photo of me peddling my wares at the Ooh La La Curiosity Market just before Halloween! (Can you tell by the ridiculous bow in my hair?!)

Whew. But now it’s after Halloween, so you know what that means: SUIT UP FOR THE HOLIDAYS!

I know I absolutely love getting cards, so it makes me happy to send cards to others that have my art on them! And now you can send a Tiny Hobo greeting card, too!

I’ve added some of my classic designs (click the ppictures to check them out on Etsy!):

Check out my Etsy shop to see even more designs…and I’ve got a few more on the way!

And keep an eye on my Facebook page as well–I’ll be offering some exclusive coupon codes very soon! ♥