Tag Archives: holiday

Black Friday Etsy Sale (Thanks to Johan) !

23 Nov

I had a feeling that things were going to get incredibly busy around the holidays here at The Tiny Hobo studio. Between making presents, baking Christmas cookies, and watching Home Alone, where would I find the time to do anything else?!

So I decided to employ the help of a good friend of mine.

Besides–it gets kind of lonely working by yourself, you know? I always enjoy some company when making art, and the holidays are meant to be shared with loved ones!

 I knew the perfect person for the job.

So, without further ado, I’d like you all to meet Johan.

He’s a little shy, but give him a chance.(Please do not make the mistake of calling him an elf…he finds it quite offensive. He has nothing against elves–but he is NOT an elf, but instead an enchanted toy soldier. There’s a difference, you know.)

I met Johan a year ago at a flea market on a cold November day. He was hiding in a box on a lonely table. A grumpy man told me I could have him for a dollar. Little did that grumpy man know that he missed out on a great friend and an awesome worker! (That’s what you get for being grumpy.)

Since I’ve been so busy working on commissions, creating new pieces to put in my Etsy shop, all while juggling my own personal life, I knew I couldn’t handle the frenzy of preparing for Black Friday by myself.

So now Johan helps me complete some of the most integral tasks to completing my artwork, such as:

Organizing my art materials and helping me pick color schemes,

Making sure my workspace is properly decorated with holiday cheer,

And lovingly hand-packaging orders to be shipped! (He’s still getting the hang of this task, as you can see.)

I’ve gotta say, Johan has helped me a lot. So much, in fact, that I’ve been able to get a lot more work done than I have ever expected. And since I was able to get so much work done, I’m throwing a store-wide Etsy sale in order to celebrate!

 That’s right, from today until next Friday, I’m offering %25 off everything in my Etsy store (just use the coupon ARTLOVE at checkout)!

Johan and I just stocked the store with new prints, greeting cards, and other goodies that will make perfectly unique gifts for loved ones. I’m sure you’ll find something you or somebody you know will love, so please have a look!

Here are mine and Johan’s top picks, available on greeting cards, as art prints, and more (click the images to visit their Etsy listings):

…And there’s a bunch more in the Etsy shop! ♥

We’re hoping that this sale makes your Black Friday a little less stressful. Because really, you’re supposed to be enjoying the holidays with your loved ones, not ripping off people’s ears to get a flat screen TV. Please remember that when you’re buying your gifts this year!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, Johan and I have some more decorating to do! (He’s such a good worker, he’s getting a big Christmas bonus in his paycheck for sure!)

Wishing you all a safe and successful Black Friday, and a happy holiday season! ♥


The Tiny Hobo + Johan

Custom Portraits for the Holidays! ♥

12 Nov

Hey everyone! What did you all do this weekend? Me? I traded an art print for a giant sack of squash with a farmer at the artists’ market I attended. Country livin’. Gotta love it.The gift that keeps on givin’.

Speaking of gifts, have any of you started thinking about holiday gifts yet?!

For me, the day after Halloween is officially Christmas time. Starting November 1st, Christmas music, decorations, shopping, crafts, and candy are all fair game. Maybe I’m an extremist, but I love to get the most Christmas cheer I can before the doldrums of the new year roll in.

I’ve already received a few requests for custom portraits for holiday gifts, which is really exciting to me! What’s even more exciting is that I’ll be offering a free art print of your choice from my Etsy shop with every purchase of a custom drawing! Wow, what a deal! Forget squash, this is the gift that keeps on giving!

Wow, that was a bit shameless, I’ll admit. But I digress. I’m really excited to offer this to you all, so I hope you are too!

Here’s a little background on how I got into drawing so many awesome, unique folks. I started doing custom portraits just short of a year ago when I got into the “body positive” movement, which is based on loving your body (and others’) no matter the size, shape, or color.

Being a fat girl myself, I was really tired of the lack of body diversity in popular art and illustration (my own artwork included!). I mean, most of the time if you do see a plus size person in a cartoon or comic, they’re usually just portrayed as an insulting, stereotypical caricature.

But I know better than that. Us fatties are just as hardworking, loving, beautiful, sexy, passionate, and intelligent as anyone else. I figured enough of the usual crap…. I’m gonna do something different!

And thus, the Fat n Sassy Red Head was born.

Truthfully, I had no intentions of her being as popular as she was. But to my delight, people loved her, and slowly but surely, I started getting requests for custom portraits from folks who wanted something a little different as well. The rest has been a dream come true!

I’m so honored that I continue to have the opportunity to draw such a huge variety of incredible people. Here are some of my favorite custom pieces I’ve done to date. As you can see, I’ve drawn a little bit of everything and everyone. And I wouldn’t wanna have it any other way.

You can check out more of my commissioned portraits on Facebook, and feel free to contact me if you’re interested in more information on getting a custom piece of your own! I’d be honored to draw your gorgeous mug, whoever you are!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to drink some eggnog and watch Jingle All The Way. I still say that’s one of Schwarzenegger’s best films.

The Tiny Hobo Greeting Cards!

5 Nov

Hey everyone! I migrated over here from Blogger (I find WordPress way easier to use), so let’s kick it off with a brand new blog post!

I’ve been really quite busy lately creating artwork that I haven’t even been able to share with you all yet. But now I’ve finally found the time to sit down and gather it all up!

Mostly I’ve been working on greeting card designs that I’ve been selling locally here in Asheville, and I just finally put up for sale in my Etsy shop.

Here’s a photo of me peddling my wares at the Ooh La La Curiosity Market just before Halloween! (Can you tell by the ridiculous bow in my hair?!)

Whew. But now it’s after Halloween, so you know what that means: SUIT UP FOR THE HOLIDAYS!

I know I absolutely love getting cards, so it makes me happy to send cards to others that have my art on them! And now you can send a Tiny Hobo greeting card, too!

I’ve added some of my classic designs (click the ppictures to check them out on Etsy!):

Check out my Etsy shop to see even more designs…and I’ve got a few more on the way!

And keep an eye on my Facebook page as well–I’ll be offering some exclusive coupon codes very soon! ♥